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LGST201 - Company Law (Offered in 2016 - 17, Term 1

The corporate form is the most widely used legal structure for the operation and conduct of business. It deals with a web of different interests and the rights and obligations of a number of stakeholders. As such it is a highly complex structure and the most regulated of all business entities. This course will cover the main body of laws that regulate the operational aspects of companies embodied in the Companies Act. Where appropriate and relevant, these laws will be considered from the different perspectives of the various interest groups in a corporate structure. The course will also attempt to acquaint the student with the primary issues that are raised in the management of companies. Topics include current issues in corporate governance, the external regulation of corporate matters, the duties of corporate managers, directors and other officers, the law and practice of meetings and legal issues relating to corporate restructuring. The difficulties relating to transactions with other parties, which are peculiar to companies, will also be covered, including corporate contracting and insolvency. The course will also touch upon the ongoing law reform in this area. Upon the completion of this course, the student should – - understand the legal framework within which companies operate; - appreciate the different interest groups within the corporate framework; - understand the dynamics of majority control and minority shareholder rights; - appreciate the extent of and understand the legal duties and responsibilities expected of management; and - have a basic understanding of issues pertaining to corporate finance and securities regulation.

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