More for the inquisitive mind
1. Do I have to complete 80 hours of community service in a single CSP?
No, you can combine your total hours from a maximum of three different CSPs.
2. How do I know that my 80 CSP hours have been keyed in to the system?
Upon completion of your first 80 CSP hours, you have to upload a personal report or reflection on to OASIS under Career Devt & Comm Svcs > My Participation and Grading
Only when your report has been graded ‘Pass’, will your CSP hours then be counted as officially recognised in the SMU system.
3. How can I check the number of modules I have completed and have yet to complete?
OASIS > Study > Advisement & Curriculum > View Degree Progress Report >Major What-If
Running the Major What-If report allows you to track the modules you have previously taken and plan the rest of your study terms, supposing you choose a particular major.
4. How do I check my exam timetable and venues?
OASIS > Study > Examinations & Results > View My Exam Schedule
Detailed exam schedules and venues, including seat numbers, will typically be released latest during study week (Week 14).
5. What is double-counting of modules?
Double-counting of modules occurs when one module can be counted under two different graduation requirements. For instance, a particular module can be counted as both a Social Science Major-Related module and a Marketing 2nd Major module. However, you may not double count modules to your primary major.
6. When should I do my internship?
You can choose to do your internship at any time in the course of your undergraduate studies. Most students do theirs in the summer between Year 2 and Year 3. Of course, there is no limit on the number of internships a student can do, just ensure that you meet the graduation requirement of completing a full 10-week internship.
7. How do I self-propose my internship?
Log in to ONTRAC II > “Self-propose Internship” (last tab)
Fill in the necessary fields and ensure that you provide as many details as possible to facilitate approval of the self-sourced internship. Any self-proposed internship has to first be approved by the career office (DKHMCC) before you start your stint.
8. How do I plan or map my modules for international exchange?
OASIS > Study > International Exchange (Regular OR Summer Term) > Click ‘here’ and be redirected to a list of links > Previously approved course mappings
Fill in the relevant fields and search for the list of modules in order to map your modules properly. It is important to ensure that you are able to map sufficient number of modules in the university of your choice before you apply for exchange.
9. What is D.I.C.E. (Drop If Course Exceeds) in BOSS used for?
D.I.C.E. is used when you want to bid for more than 5.5 modules. When you have already submitted bids for more than 5.5 Course Units, you can unlock D.I.C.E. to indicate which module you would want the system to automatically drop for you, should your bid for the 6th module be successful. In this case, the module which has been indicated with the number “1” in the D.I.C.E. box will be the first module to be dropped in the event that your 6th module (the submitted bid that exceeds 5.5 C.U.s) is successful.
10. Is it possible for me to book SMU venues for an entire day?
No, it is not possible to book an individual venue (E.g. GSR, Seminar Room) for one whole day. Students are restricted to booking any venue for a 3-hour period. However, it is possible to make another booking for a different venue on the same day.
Bear in mind that each student is allocated a limited number of hours for venue booking –use it wisely!
11. Can Research Methods in Social Sciences (SSRM001) be substituted with other Research Methods course offered by the School of Social Science?
Research Methods in Social Sciences is currently an inactive course (SSRM001). It does not refer to any research methods courses in social sciences. Students who wish to do psychology electives must take PSYC110. IDIS100 Research Methods in Sociology and Political Science cannot be taken in lieu of PSYC110.
12. What are Finishing Touch Workshops (FTWs) and how do I bid for them?
As of Academic Year 2012/2013, all freshman students are required to complete two workshops in career planning and self-discovery, before proceeding to five mandatory career skills workshops in their second year.
These workshops cover the following areas – i) Job search strategies; ii) Résumé and cover letter writing; iii) Social etiquette and grooming for success; iv) Personal branding and networking skills; and v) Interviewing skills.
All seven workshops are part of SMU’s distinctive “Finishing Touch” career preparation programme introduced in 2001 and regularly revamped to keep abreast of employment trends, career assessment practices, career coaching techniques and the changing needs of students and recruiters. Successful completion of all seven workshops is a requirement to fulfill degree requirement.
*Please note that the attendance of these workshops can be bid using the Workshop Credits (Different from the E$ dollars which students use to bid for elective modules) on the BOSS bidding platform. Bidding Rounds are of the same as bidding for the module electives.
The workshops are illutrated as listed below:
Year One Compulsory FT Workshops
FTW 101 - Self-Discovery and Awareness
FTW 102- Career Planning
Note: FTW101 and FTW 102 are pre-requisites for enrolment into Year Two FT Workshops.
Year Two Compulsory FT Workshops (a series of five consecutive workshops)
FTW 201- Job Search Strategies
FTW 202- Résumé and Cover Letter writing
FTW 203- Social Etiquette and Groom for Success
FTW 204- Personal Branding and Networking Skills
FTW 205- Interviewing Skills
Year Three/ Four Optional FT Workshops
FTW 301- Advanced Résumé and Cover Letter Writing
FTW 302- Advanced Interviewing Skills
FTW 303- Mastering Case Interviews
FTW 304- Acing Assessment Centre
13. Finding Module Exemptions on BOSS
When entering SMU, remember to check the number and type of module exemptions you have, which will help in calculating how many modules you should be taking per semester to graduate as predicted.
When logging into BOSS, module exemptions can be found on the 'Summary' Page, under 'Exemptions/Credit Transfers'. The module code, description and Credit Units (C.U.) can be viewed under this section.
14. Academic Handbooks
Finding out more about SOSS academic requirements throughout your 4 years can be made easier by accessing the handbook made available to your batch through Oasis! Upon logging into OASIS, navigate to the 'Study' tab, followed by 'Advisement and Curriculum' > 'Handbook'> 'Academic Student Handbook'.
Scroll down to Bachelor of Social Science, and have access to the current handbook as well as previous editions. Do remember to refer to the most updated one (BSocSc Handbook Ay 2016-17), or the one of the year you entered SMU, to have the most verified information!
15. SMU Student Offices
So while you're running around trying to make sense of how everything at SMU works, sometimes the best place for answers are good old student offices.
Here's the main offices every Freshie should take note of:
-Dato’ Kho Hui Meng Career Centre > Administration Building, Level 7
-Office of Finance > Admin Building, Level 12, Open 11am-2pm (Tues, Wed, Thurs)
-Office of Student Life > Concourse, #B1-36 (Opposite Koufu/Pastamania)
16. Community Service Tips
As you all might have found out by now, SMU requires all its students to clear minimum 80 hours of Community Service by the time they graduate - but fret not, there are lots more innovative ways in uni to do so! Just a tip though, you might want to finish these 80 hours within the first two years, so as to concentrate on things like exchange and other activities close to your graduation.
The best way to do so, which some of you might have started off with- would be to clear these hours through camps such as StarringSMU, Kidleidescope, and other CSP-based camps which were made available to you during your freshmen orientation days. If you missed these opportunities, do look out for ones available through either:
a) CSP-based clubs in SMU such as SMURotaract
b) CBD CSR intiatives - SOSCIETY's Passion for Compassion (exclusive to SOSS Students)
c) Overseas Community Service Projects held during the summer break/December holidays, which require students to sign up for - particularly in the first few weeks of school! Check your emails guys!
d) Source your own CSP initiative, and craft a proposal for DKHMCC.
There's plenty of opportunities available for everyone, so do something that you know you'll serve with all your heart.
17. Shortcut to Bidding Results
Yes, we've figured this one out for you too. So while you're fussing over which bids you might have won, and enduring that long wait till 2pm, check out your bidding results through OASIS at noon!
All you have to do is log in, hit the 'Study' Tab, click on 'View my Grades' under 'Examinations and Results' and there you have it! Just remember to select the right term from the drop-down box!
18. Booking SMU Facilities
A very important skill at SMU is knowing how to 'chope' Group Study Rooms (GSRs) way in advance, especially as the projects kick in and everyone fights over places to hold meetings.
On the first home screen once logging in to OASIS, you'll find a link to 'New Facility Booking' on the left hand side of your screen.
Decide your building and facility type and you will be directed to a screen showing you available facilities and timings according to your selection.
a) In order to make these bookings you must have a friend to approve these bookings, as you will be required to enter an email to send an approve/confirm request to. Please ask your friends to approve/confirm quickly by checking their emails as this is subject to time.
b) When prompted under 'Purpose' remember to fill in 'Studying/Group Meeting' etc to make sure your booking goes through
c) GSRs can only be booked for a period of 4 hours at most, but the way to get around this is to get your friend to book the slots immediately after.
d) Classrooms/Seminar Rooms require 3 people from the same class/module to approve together in order to be booked.
e) When approving a request from your school email, you will be redirected to the Facilities Page, hit on 'Task List', make your selection and hit 'Confirm Selected Booking' to ensure it goes through. The system should follow up with another email telling you of your confirmed booking thereafter.
You'll see how fast these places get snapped up during crunch week! Good luck guys :)