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ECON203 - International Economics B (Offered in 2016 - 17, T1)

The course is structured into two parts: international trade and international finance. The first part of the course introduces the theory and policy of international trade. The issues involved include the bases for trade, the determinants of trade pattern (direction, terms, and volume), the effects of trade on income redistribution, as well as the various types of frequently-used trade policies, and their welfare consequences. The second part of the course introduces the theory and policy of international finance. The topics discussed include the balance of payment, the international monetary systems, the stabilisation policies of governments to adjust internal and external imbalances, and their effectiveness under alternative exchange rate regimes and different degrees of international financial market integration.

Pre-Requisite: (EITHER Intermediate Microeconomics OR Intermediate Microeconomics A/B) AND (EITHER Intermediate Macroeconomics OR Intermediate Macroeconomics A/B); Mutually Exclusive: EITHER Intl Economics A/B OR (Intl Trade AND/OR Intl Macroeconomics)

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